The Collaboration Rubric® for Family and Children's Services - A FRAMEWORK FOR PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT
The safety and well-being of children and young people is greatly enhanced when their families and communities are supported by strong and collaborative Service Networks. If we aim to put children and young people at the centre of our efforts, Networks should be focused on specific outcomes, and be prepared to think creatively about the partners needed to achieve these outcomes.
Using the Collaboration Rubric® as a guiding framework we have worked with Child Protection, Out of Home Care, Family Law, Youth Justice and Family Support Services to strengthen their shared understanding of the value of their collaboration, identify the resources needed to effectively work together and to increase the support and leadership of influential stakeholders so that the collaboration may be undertaken.
Our work shows that all collaboration begins with a strong foundation of mutual respect and understanding for the work of others in the Network. Considerable effort should be directed to genuinely building this foundation.
Establishing a collaboration baseline for new projects has proven useful in our work. In both the ACT and Victoria, the Rubric® measured improvements across every collaboration indicator in all Networks over relatively short periods.
Our System Allows you to:
Identify strengths and weaknesses in your partnerships
Plan and monitor collaboration between individuals, teams and organisations
Monitor success and report on outcomes in simple, measurable ways
Tailor reports, provide in-depth analysis and insights into your collaborations
Plan, review and create specifically for your organisation
We Work With:
The Collaboration Rubric® can be used by any partnership, large or small, at any stage in the development of their collaboration. Whether you are a small two-person team in the early stages of defining your shared goals, or a multiagency team of 1000 who have been trying to achieve a shared outcome for years, the collaboration rubric can help you achieve your goals.
NEW Collaborations
Plan the development of your partnership and get it right from the start
ESTABLISHED Collaborations
Monitor how your partnership is working and what areas need attention
AILING Collaborations
Identify areas of conflict and agreement so you can move forward
ALL Collaborations
Keep focused and in agreement on your shared goals and purpose