This tool is designed to give you more insight and detail regarding the specific areas/behaviours for improvement within your collaboration based on the type of collaboration you are trying to achieve and provides specific recommendations on how to build and sustain your collaboration.

Sample Report - Analysis Tool - Single Response

Sample Report - Analysis Tool - Single Response

Sample Report - Analysis Tool - Multiple Responses

Sample Report - Analysis Tool - Multiple Responses


  • Helps you understand what action areas you should prioritise for improvement
  • Identifies current strengths in your collaboration, soft spots, and clarifying the areas that need to be addressed. 
  • Identifies current priorities to be addressed in each Driver from the perspective of the members of the network
  • Provides specific recommendations about what steps to take to lift collaborative practice


This tool consists of 15 statements (one for each of the 15 Action Areas) which you rate on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree, and 3 questions asking what you consider to be the priority Action Areas to work on for each of the Drivers (Capacity, Shared Value, Authority).

This tool is designed to be done individually by staff of your collaboration network. It provides feedback from this group on how the collaboration is working “on the ground”.


After you complete the survey you will receive a report showing the views of the whole group on:

  • Current strengths in your collaboration, soft spots, and clarifying the areas that need to be addressed. 
  • Current priorities to be addressed in each Driver from the perspective of the members of the network
  • Guidance about what steps to take to lift collaborative practice